Length of activity
- 15 minutes + extra time for the art activity.
You will need
- Blank paper and pencil
- Screen or device, with access to the video below or click here to launch the video on YouTube
- Art materials – blank paper, coloured pencils, pens or textas
Video lesson
Play the video below and follow instructions from Sharon - there is a physical game to complete. In the video Sharon suggests doing this with other people so if you have a brother or sister or parent you can do this activity with, go and get them! If you are on your own, it’s OK to do the activity by yourself.
After the game, Sharon introduces some different playing techniques on the violin. Write these down on your blank paper as Sharon talks about them. You might also like to write a brief description of each technique (or have a look at the additional information sheet for descriptions).
karen meets the string family
music listening Activity
Listen to some of Anton Webern’s Bagatelles below and listen out for some of the string effects and shapes created in the music.
- Example One: No. 3. Ziemlich fliessend
- Example Two: No. 6. Fliessend
Which of the following string effects do you hear?
Art Activity
Have a look at the following abstract paintings by Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky lived at the same time as the composer Webern and his artworks are similar, in the use of abstract shapes, to the music you listened to above. Consider the way Kandinski uses shapes, colours and lines in his paintings.
Kandinsky, Succession
Now for your artwork, choose one of Webern’s Bagatelles from above, and create an abstract artwork to reflect shapes in the music in the style of Kandinsky. Draw or paint the shapes, colours and lines that you hear in the music.
Share your artwork with us here.
Additional information
Click here to find additional information about the content of this lesson.