Erin Helyard turning a page during performance


The 1726 Stradivarius Violin


Here's what it looks like

Here is some regular text in grey.

  • UL 1. When it get's up to a paragraph there's going to be minimal or no spacing, which might look odd to the users. Also, is the intention for this to be smaller?
  • UL 1. When it get's up to a paragraph there's going to be minimal or no spacing, which might look odd to the user?
  • UL 1. When it get's up to a paragraph there's going to be minimal or no spacing, which might look odd to the users. Also, is the intention for this to be smaller? I'm not really convinced by that.
  1. OL 1
  2. OL 2

Doesn't look consistent if every to be used.