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  1. Richard Tognetti at the Barbican Centre

    2019 Barbican Centre Season


  2. Lorenza_Europe_CHjpg

    Lorenza on the European stage

    Discover more about the international influence of our first guest director of 2019, the ever talented Italian violinist Lorenza Borrani. 

  3. An large landscape image of Mountains

    Mountain Now Streaming On Stan


  4. Ike_Collectiveideal_CH

    A Collective Ideal

    Violinist Ike See talks to Sydney based arts writer Steve Dow about his journey to becoming a musician of the ACO.

  5. Bach Dynasty HERO

    The Bach Dynasty

    From its 16th-century founder to Johann Sebastian Bach and beyond, the many generations of Bach composers created one of the world’s most iconic collections of music, Nicholas Kenyon writes.

  6. Stradivarius Story HERO

    ACO acquires third Golden Age Stradivarius violin

    Hear the 1732 'ex-Dollfus' Stradivarius violin at the ACO's Bach concerts, touring nationally from 18 June.

  7. 8I6A0048

    Anna Dowsley Interview

    The Australian soprano on the magic of Bach, and the power of music to communicate what can’t be put into words.

  8. 197576originalplayersrehearsinginNancyClementslivingroom

    Alice Waten (1947-2022)

    From Odessa to Ozim: a note from Richard Tognetti on the lasting legacy of his former violin teacher  “Miss Waten”.

  9. Event Hero - UNAUTHORISED

    An Unauthorised History Classical Music: Program

    What to expect in our four fascinating talks unpacking the history of classical music, presented in partnership with ABC Classic.

  10. Paul Capsis 2

    Interview: Paul Capsis and Francis Greep

    The Australian actor catches up with The Song Company's General Manager & Associate Artistic Director ahead of their performance of 'Dry My Tears' at Pier 2/3.
